ساعت کاری از شنبه تا پنجشنبه ۸:۰۰ تا ۲۰:0۰
ایران - تهران فلکه دوم صادقیه سازمان آب (به طرف آیت الله کاشانی) خیبان گلستان یکم مجتمع فانوس طبقه 4 واحد ۱۳
ساعت کاری از شنبه تا پنجشنبه ۸:۰۰ تا ۲۰:0۰


Play therapy and group therapy

The first duty of children and one of the essentials of their life is to play, the growth of play and reaching higher levels of play is one of the most important developmental stages of children, which strengthens children’s skills in social communication, expressing emotions, problem solving ability, increasing self-confidence and the spirit of independence. They strengthen the demand. Group therapy is also a part of play therapy, where children are placed in a group with their peers, and it strengthens social skills as much as possible, respect for turns and the concept of taking turns and tolerance of work, participation and sharing of tools and play equipment, etc. will be

What is behavioral therapy?

Behavioral therapy is one of the main approaches to psychotherapy, and today many treatment methods use its techniques to treat a variety of mental health problems. In this approach, the psychologist is trying to find unhealthy and self-destructive behaviors to solve the person’s problems and teach them how to change them. In fact, behavioral therapy focuses on the visible behaviors of the individual and less attention is paid to thoughts and psychological roots of problems.
Behavior therapy can help children and adults treat a wide range of mental disorders. The following are examples of mental disorders and problems that benefit the most from behavioral therapy.

Intelligence Test

Today, different types of intelligence tests and tests are used to measure the level of intelligence of each person.

The types of intelligence tests are as follows, each of which measures different aspects of intelligence: